Setting quotas

Topics: Quotas; responsible research; reordering

Quotas are used to terminate the survey when a respondent’s answer is invalid. For example, you can use Quotas to limit the survey to respondents aged over 25, to balance the respondents (e.g. 50 male and 50 female), or to seek agreement to provided terms and conditions.

Create a Quota question

Add a new Question Group
  1. Click the Survey button at the top of the Survey explorer to return to the Survey Quick Actions screen.
  2. In the Survey explorer panel on the left-hand side of the screen, click on the Add Group button.
  3. In the Title: text box, type Conesent.
  4. In the Description: box, type (or copy and Paste as Plain Text):

Please confirm that you consent to participating in this survey.

  1. Click the Save and close button.
Add a new question
  1. Click the Add new Question to Group button.
  2. In the Code: text box, type C1.
  3. In the Question: text box, type or copy and Paste as Plain Text:

I have read and agree to abide by the Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research

  1. Open the Question type selection list, scroll down to Mask questions, then choose Yes/No.
  2. Click the Save and close button.
Create a Quota
  1. Click the Survey button at the top of the Survey explorer to return to the Survey Quick Actions screen.
  2. Click on the Survey properties button on the Survey toolbar.
  3. Click on Quotas.
  4. Under Actions, click the Add new quota button.
  5. In the Quota name: text box, type:

Consent Exclusion

  1. The Quota limit: text box, type 0 (zero).
  1. In the Quota message: box, type You have chosen not to continue.
  2. Leave the End URL: and URL Description: as they are.
  3. Click the Save button.
Apply the Quota
  1. Click the Add answer button.
  2. Click to choose the C1 question, then click Next.
  3. Click to choose No question, then click Next.
  4. Click the Close button.

Reordering Question Groups and Questions

Reorganise questions
  1. In the Survey explorer panel on the left-hand side of the screen, click on the Question Organizer button.
  2. Point the mouse to the top of the Consent question group to display a four-headed arrow mouse cursor. Click and drag the question group to the top of the Survey so that it will appear first.
  3. Click the Save and Close button.
  4. Preview the survey. Remember the Quota will not apply until the survey is upgraded to Production and activated.