Creating invitations

Topics: Participant tables; closed access mode; tokens; invitations; templates

When you have a list of names and email addresses you’d like to invite, you can use closed-access mode to create unique invitations and track responses. You can even send reminders to people who haven’t completed the survey.

When you have a list of names and email addresses you’d like to invite, you can use closed-access mode to create unique invitations and track responses. You can even send reminders to people who haven’t completed the survey.

Setting up closed-access mode
  1. Click on Survey participants
  2. At the warning screen, click Initialise participant table
  3. Click Continue

Once you’ve created the table, click on `Display participants’ to see your table. Now it’s time to add some dummy data.

Setting up closed-access mode
  1. CLick Create
  2. Select Add participant
  3. Enter your first name and your university email address in the relevant fields. Leave all the other fields blank.
  4. Click Save
  5. Click ‘`Browse survey participants’

Now you’ll need to generate a token for your participant. Tokens are (usually random) alphanumeric strings that uniquely identify each participant and allow them to complete the survey.

Generating tokens
  1. Click Generate tokens
  2. Click Yes to the info panel
  3. Click OK

Sending invitations

Now that you have a participant (yourself) and a valid token, you’re going to send an invitation to yourself.

Create an invitation
  1. Click `Invitations and reminders
  2. Select Send email invitation
  3. Highlight and delete the text in the invitation field and type or paste the following:

Please complete the following survey: {SURVEYNAME}
Access the survey here: {SURVEYURL}
Note that this link is unique to you and can only be used once.

  1. Click ‘Send invitations`

You should receive the invitation in your email straight away. You can test that the invitation link works by clicking on the link in your email.