Putting things together

Every piece of information we learn is founded on something we have already learned before. Thus, layering information is critical. It is a tool you can use to guide your audience through a complex story. In data storytelling, we can achieve this by:

Putting things together

Do you know Dr Ignaz Semmelweis?

Dr Semmelweis
Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis, aged 42, in 1860 copperplate engraving by Jenő Doby

He was a medical doctor, who made a great discovery when he was working at Vienna Hospital. However, he did not communicate it well and had a sad ending of his career. A video below tells you in details together with lessons we can learn from him. He had a Wikipedia entry, too.

Dr Semmelweis story

Lessons learnt from Dr Semmelweis story

  1. Timeliness and Clarity
    • He did not publish for 14 years
    • His findings were not well communicated
  2. Audience and the Curse of Knowledge
    • His audience (Doctors) at the time were not used to being criticised
    • Instead of concept sharing and patience, he went on the attack and threw insults at his critics
  3. Narrative Evokes Emotion
    • Failed to tell the story of his data- did not humanize his patients but treated them as numbers
    • Provided numbers instead of impact
  4. Power of Data Visualization
    • Relied primarily on data tables
    • Ignored the Visual effect of graphs

Activity - How would you tell Dr Semmelwise’s discovery?

If you were Dr Semmelweis, how would you storyboard your ideas and re-tell your story?

Things you may want to think are:

You are done!

Dr Semmelweis
Well done!

That’s it folks! We hope you enjoy telling your story about your research with data :)

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