Image preparation

Topics: Conversion; Resolution

Generating, converting and resizing your article images for publication.

Card image
Preparing your images for publication

Journals usually have specific requirements for the size, resolution, format and colour of the figures or images in your paper. Once youve determined what the requirements are, you may need to use a graphics tool to change the format of your image files.

  • PhotoShop: The de facto standard for image editing programs. Highly capable, but probably overkill. Griffith has PhotoShop installed on its student-use computers.

  • GIMP: Free and open source image editor. Multiplatform and highly regarded. Also probably overkill for simple resizing.

  • Pixelmator: A popular, and much more affordable, alternative to PhotoShop on the Mac.

  • Affinity Photo: Another high-quality and popular alternative to the Adobe software.

  • XNView: A free, multiplatform image processor specifically aimed at resizing and format conversion.