eResearch Services

This module will help you with the Storage and Backup section of your data management plan. Data management planning templates are available for download here or directly from our library data management page here.

File and folder images
eResearch Services

The following content has been adapted from the eResearch Services at Griffith University pages. Please refer to these webpages for more detail.

eResearch can help you with many aspects of data management, particularly in the use and application of computational methods. eResearch Services can assist with data capture methodology, the management and storage of large or sensitive data sets and the use of computational tools for data analysis and visualisation. eResearch Services also offers training in computational methods such as R and Python and can assist with High Performance Computing (HPC). eResearch Services provides inhouse training as well as training from external providers such as QCIF and the ARDC.

Key services provided by eResearch services at Griffith University include:

Images: Lia Trevarthen and Carlos Muza and Mika Baumeister on Unsplash