The Layout of OpenRefine


OpenRefine displays data in a tabular format, similar to how you might view data in a spreadsheet or database.

Working with data in OpenRefine

Rows and Records

OpenRefine has two modes of viewing data: ‘Rows’ and ‘Records’.

This is useful when working with xml files, MARC records, as well as csv files. We will see an example of this later.

OpenRefine layout
OpenRefine layout

Undo / Redo

OpenRefine provides Undo and Redo operations to make changes to your data work, going back to your very first action. Find out how this works in the GREL activities.

Saving projects

Projects are saved automatically as you work on them, so there is no need to save copies as you go along.

Opening existing projects

To open an existing project in OpenRefine, click Open Project from the main OpenRefine screen (in the left-hand menu). When you click this, you will see a list of the existing projects and can click on a project’s name to open it.

Watch this video to see OpenRefine’s layout.

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