Create the project

Launch OpenRefine

Windows: double-click on the openrefine.exe file. Java services will start automatically on your machine, and OpenRefine will open in your browser. Be sure to use either Chrome or Firefox, as OpenRefine does not play well with Microsoft Edge or Safari.

Mac: OpenRefine can be launched from your Applications folder.

Linux: navigate to your OpenRefine directory in the command line and enter ./refine.

Once OpenRefine is launched in your browser, the home screen displays options to Create Project, Open Project, or Import Project.

Select Create a project.

If launch fails

If OpenRefine does not automatically open within your browser after launch, point your browser at or http://localhost:3333 to launch the program.

Upload data from your computer
  • Choose Create Project
  • Select Get data from this Computer.
  • Select Choose Files and browse to select the file QldShark_2017_Clean_v1.csv you saved to your Downloads folder.
  • Either click Open or double-click on the filename to import it into OpenRefine.
  • Click Next.
Preview the data
  • Choose UTF8 as the method of encoding as this should convert any ‘smart’ formatting into plain text.
  • Give the project a meaningful name such as QLDShark_2017_Clean_v2
  • If all looks fine, click  Create Project.

The original dataset presents details of numbers of sharks caught in the Shark Control program by species, date of capture and location and other variables. This version of the dataset has ten variables. Take a look at each variable in the columns presented.

Let’s now try to add a few more variables to the dataset.

Watch this video for the steps to open the project.

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